How To Clean Your Cold Air Inductions Intake Air Filter

Keeping your Cold Air Inductions cold air intake filter…

How To Upgrade The Look Of Your Engine Bay

Looking to for a quick way to transform your car’s engine…

MotoAK47 Gets Old School Sound From A CAI Intake

If you’re driving one of today’s factory-tuned, ultra-quiet…
silverado trailboss

Duramax Intake Review From FixedVaneDuramax

In this video, we get to watch as the team from Fixed Vane Duramax…

Fondupot’s Garage Installs A Turbomax CAI Intake

If you thought Cold Air Inductions intake systems were only…

A CAI Silverado Intake Review From CFarmer

If you've got a Chevrolet or GMC with the L5P Duramax and are…

CarsAndMore365 Cold Air Inductions Intake Unboxing

You probably already know about Cold Air Inductions' cold air…

Cold Air Inductions Quick Takes

If you're wondering exactly what you should expect when ordering,…
Silverado engine bay with cold air inductions intake installed

Whiplash TV Installs A CAI Silverado Intake

Upgrading your Chevy Silverado's performance has never been…

Pre-Oiled High-Performance Air Filters From CAI

Our owner and founder James Newsome didn't stop at designing…

Blue Collar Garage Reviews Our Sierra/Silverado Intake

Upgrading your GMC Sierra's performance is a snap with Cold…

How To Avoid Heat Soak

Heat soak is a common problem that affects many engines, especially…